| Grain flow theory and snow avalanche rheology
Bartelt, P., Stoffel, L., Christen, M., & Bühler, Y. (2024). Grain flow theory and snow avalanche rheology. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 360-365). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. |
| Zweiphasenmodellierung von Murgängen für die Überprüfung von Schutzmassnahmen
Bartelt, P., McArdell, B., Bühler, Y., & Graf, C. (2024). Zweiphasenmodellierung von Murgängen für die Überprüfung von Schutzmassnahmen. In I. Schalko, D. Farshi, & A. Badoux (Eds.), WSL Berichte: Vol. 155. Fachtagung Wildbäche 2024: Modellierung von Wildbachprozessen (pp. 49-58). https://doi.org/10.55419/wsl:37776 |
| CCAMM - A research program for studying the impacts of climate change on mass movements in alpine regions
Bast, A., Bründl, M., & Phillips, M. (2024). CCAMM - A research program for studying the impacts of climate change on mass movements in alpine regions. In J. Schneider (Ed.), Interpraevent 2024. Conference proceedings (pp. 37-39). Interpraevent. |
| Looking back at the last 15 years of operational avalanche warning with the snowpack model in Switzerland
Bavay, M., Wever, N., Fierz, C., & Lehning, M. (2024). Looking back at the last 15 years of operational avalanche warning with the snowpack model in Switzerland. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 82-87). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. |
| Erkenntnisse aus physikalischen Murgangversuchen für die Praxis
Berger, C. (2024). Erkenntnisse aus physikalischen Murgangversuchen für die Praxis. In I. Schalko, D. Farshi, & A. Badoux (Eds.), WSL Berichte: Vol. 155. Fachtagung Wildbäche 2024: Modellierung von Wildbachprozessen (pp. 13-17). https://doi.org/10.55419/wsl:37765 |
| The effect of slope angle on critical cut length measured in propagation saw tests
Bergfeld, B., Adam, V., Rosendahl, P. L., & van Herwijnen, A. (2024). The effect of slope angle on critical cut length measured in propagation saw tests. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 524-529). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. |
| Initializing and evaluating snowpack simulations with recurring snow profile observations
Binder, M., Perfler, M., Herla, F., Techel, F., & Mitterer, C. (2024). Initializing and evaluating snowpack simulations with recurring snow profile observations. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 457-464). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. |
| Klimabedingte Extremereignisse: Auswirkungen und Trends
Björnsen, A. (2024). Klimabedingte Extremereignisse: Auswirkungen und Trends. In J. Lippuner (Ed.), Wasser 2024. 26. Lippuner Fachtagung. Wasser und Klimawandel (pp. 13-19). LIPartner. |
| Towards an improved understanding of glide-snow avalanche release: interface shear cold laboratory tests
Bobillier, G., Fees, A., Lombardo, M., Schöttner, J., Cabrera, M., van Herwijnen, A., … Schweizer, J. (2024). Towards an improved understanding of glide-snow avalanche release: interface shear cold laboratory tests. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 745-749). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. |
| Measuring snow pressure forces on supporting structures using low-cost strain gauges
Borner, J., Rusterholz, P., Margreth, S., & Bartelt, P. (2024). Measuring snow pressure forces on supporting structures using low-cost strain gauges. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1127-1132). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. |
| Wie verändern sich Risiken im Alpenraum in Bezug auf hydrologische und gravitative Naturgefahren?
Brunner, M., Jacquemart, M., & Weber, S. (2024). Wie verändern sich Risiken im Alpenraum in Bezug auf hydrologische und gravitative Naturgefahren? In M. Bründl & J. Kleinn (Eds.), WSL Berichte: Vol. 157. Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze im Umgang mit Risiken (pp. 21-24). https://doi.org/10.55419/wsl:38150 |
| Where to put the weather station? Optimizing the location for automated snow depth measurements based on remote sensing, avalanche modeling and terrain characteristics
Bühler, Y., Stoffel, A., & Liechti, D. (2024). Where to put the weather station? Optimizing the location for automated snow depth measurements based on remote sensing, avalanche modeling and terrain characteristics. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1054-1060). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. |
| Innovative high-speed camera array for unprecedented insights inito powder snow avalanches
Calic, I., Coletti, F., Roth, B., & Sovilla, B. (2024). Innovative high-speed camera array for unprecedented insights inito powder snow avalanches. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 288-292). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. |
| Interpreting Sentinel-1 radar backscattering for the melt dynamic of an alpine snowpack with a high resolution ground truth dataset
Carletti, F., Marin, C., Bavay, M., & Lehning, M. (2024). Interpreting Sentinel-1 radar backscattering for the melt dynamic of an alpine snowpack with a high resolution ground truth dataset. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1249-1255). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. |
| The potential of snow fences for snow conservation
Crivelli, P., Wever, N., & Glover, J. (2024). The potential of snow fences for snow conservation. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1272-1278). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. |
| Improving avalanche risk assessment for backcountry ski tours: a comparative study of the novel SLABS method with existing methods
Degraeuwe, B., Schmudlach, G., Winkler, K., & Köhler, J. (2024). Improving avalanche risk assessment for backcountry ski tours: a comparative study of the novel SLABS method with existing methods. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1645-1652). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. |
| Acoustic snow stratigraphy measurements - from the sound of breaking snow towards enhanced snowpack stability assessment
Di Pietro, T., Kaltenborn, J., Groninger, S., Mitterer, C., & Schneebeli, M. (2024). Acoustic snow stratigraphy measurements - from the sound of breaking snow towards enhanced snowpack stability assessment. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1065-1072). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. |
| Sat-SINR: high-resolution species distribution models through satellite imagery
Dollinger, J., Brun, P., Sainte Fare Garnot, V., & Wegner, J. D. (2024). Sat-SINR: high-resolution species distribution models through satellite imagery. In A. Yilmaz, J. D. Wegner, & R. Qin (Eds.), ISPRS Annals: Vol. X-2-2024. ISPRS annals of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences (pp. 41-48). https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-annals-X-2-2024-41-2024 |
| Registering avalanche accidents in Europe in the framework of EAWS
Dufour, A., Barfod, E., Lanzanasto, N., Tschanhenz, T., & Zweifel, B. (2024). Registering avalanche accidents in Europe in the framework of EAWS. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 1534-1538). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. |
| Climate change impacts on snow avalanche activity and related risks: outcomes from a recent review
Eckert, N., Corona, C., Giacona, F., Gaume, J., Mayer, S., van Herwijnen, A., … Stoffel, M. (2024). Climate change impacts on snow avalanche activity and related risks: outcomes from a recent review. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 609-610). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. |