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Ensuring a representative sample of earlywood vessels for dendroecological studies: an example from two ring-porous species
García-Gonzaléz, I., & Fonti, P. (2008). Ensuring a representative sample of earlywood vessels for dendroecological studies: an example from two ring-porous species. Trees: Structure and Function, 22(2), 237-244.
Reducing the risk of ring shake in chestnut
Fonti, P., & Giudici, F. (2005). Reducing the risk of ring shake in chestnut. In C. G. Abreu, E. Rosa, & A. A. Monteiro (Eds.), Acta Horticulturae: Vol. 693. III international chestnut congress (pp. 733-741).
Research activities on chestnut: recommendations for terminology and measurement standards
Giudici, F., Pividori, M., Zingg, A., Kaennel-Dobbertin, M., Amorini, E., Manetti, M. C., … Sevrin, E. (2005). Research activities on chestnut: recommendations for terminology and measurement standards. In C. G. Abreu, E. Rosa, & A. A. Monteiro (Eds.), Acta Horticulturae: Vol. 693. III international chestnut congress (pp. 117-130).
Identification moléculaire des variétés de châtaignier en Suisse
Abdelhamid, S., Küpfer, P., Conedera, M., & Lê, C. L. (2004). Identification moléculaire des variétés de châtaignier en Suisse. Revue Suisse de Viticulture Arboriculture Horticulture, 36(6), 349-354.
Ring shake in chestnut (<em>Castanea sativa</em> Mill.): State of the art
Fonti, P., Macchioni, N., & Thibaut, B. (2002). Ring shake in chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.): State of the art. Annals of Forest Science, 59(2), 129-140.
Quantità e qualità della massa legnosa ottenibile da un ceduo di castagno invecchiato
Fonti, P., & Giudici, F. (2001). Quantità e qualità della massa legnosa ottenibile da un ceduo di castagno invecchiato. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, 152(10), 417-424.
Establishing an international sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) provenance test: preliminary steps
Maurer, W. D., & Fernández-López, J. (2001). Establishing an international sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) provenance test: preliminary steps. Forest Snow and Landscape Research, 76(3), 482-486.
Ink disease in chestnuts: impact on the European chestnut
Vannini, A., & Vettraino, A. M. (2001). Ink disease in chestnuts: impact on the European chestnut. Forest Snow and Landscape Research, 76(3), 345-350.