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Unreliability in expert estimates of factors determining avalanche danger and impact on danger level estimation using the matrix
Techel, F., Lucas, C., Müller, K., Pielmeier, C., & Morreau, M. (2024). Unreliability in expert estimates of factors determining avalanche danger and impact on danger level estimation using the matrix. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024 (pp. 264-271). Norwegian Geotechnical Institute.
Towards a dictionary of avalanche forecasting - Describing some key terms
Schweizer, J., Reuter, B., & Mitterer, C. (2023). Towards a dictionary of avalanche forecasting - Describing some key terms. In ISSW proceedings. International snow science workshop proceedings 2023 (pp. 1-8).
Refined dry-snow avalanche danger ratings in regional avalanche forecasts: consistent? and better than random?
Techel, F., Pielmeier, C., & Winkler, K. (2020). Refined dry-snow avalanche danger ratings in regional avalanche forecasts: consistent? and better than random? Cold Regions Science and Technology, 180, 103162 (9 pp.).
Consistency in regional avalanche forecasts: a look across borders
Techel, F., Ceaglio, E., Coléou, C., Mitterer, C., Morin, S., Purves, R. S., & Rastelli, F. (2018). Consistency in regional avalanche forecasts: a look across borders. In International snow science workshop proceedings 2018 (pp. 1496-1500).
Variations in individual danger level estimates within the same forecast region
Techel, F., Dürr, L., & Schweizer, J. (2016). Variations in individual danger level estimates within the same forecast region. In ISSW proceedings. International snow science workshop proceedings 2016 (pp. 466-471).