| Land‐use change in the past 40 years explains shifts in arthropod community traits
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| The effects of habitat heterogeneity, as measured by satellite image texture, on tropical forest bird distributions
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| The role of diversity, body size and climate in dung removal: a correlative and experimental approach
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| Dispersal ability, trophic position and body size mediate species turnover processes: insights from a multi-taxa and multi-scale approach
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| Noctuid and geometrid moth assemblages show divergent elevational gradients in body size and color lightness
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| The influence of fine-scale grazing heterogeneity on dung beetle assemblages: what trait analysis teaches us
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| Intraspecific niche partitioning in macrodetritivores enhances mixed leaf litter decomposition
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| Predator-prey mass ratio drives microbial activity under dry conditions in <i>Sphagnum</i> peatlands
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| Genetic determinism vs. phenotypic plasticity in protist morphology
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| The signature of human pressure history on the biogeography of body mass in tetrapods
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| European springtime temperature synchronises ibex horn growth across the eastern Swiss Alps
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| Plant functional diversity drives niche-size-structure of dominant microbial consumers along a poor to extremely rich fen gradient
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| Current near-to-nature forest management effects on functional trait composition of saproxylic beetles in beech forests
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| Effects of ecological compensation meadows on arthropod diversity in adjacent intensively managed grassland
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