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Field measurements of forces in debris flows at the Illgraben: implications for channel-bed erosion
McArdell, B. W. (2016). Field measurements of forces in debris flows at the Illgraben: implications for channel-bed erosion. International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering, 9(4), 194-198.
Field measurements of snow-drift threshold and mass fluxes, and related model simulations
Doorschot, J. J. J., Lehning, M., & Vrouwe, A. (2004). Field measurements of snow-drift threshold and mass fluxes, and related model simulations. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 113(3), 347-368.
Numerical snow drift modeling in complex alpine terrain and comparison with field measurements
Gauer, P. (1998). Numerical snow drift modeling in complex alpine terrain and comparison with field measurements. In ISSW proceedings. International snow science workshop proceedings 1998 (pp. 60-66).