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Operator errors in tree crown transparency estimates using the image analysis system CROCO
Mizoue, N., Dobbertin, M., & Sugawara, D. (2004). Operator errors in tree crown transparency estimates using the image analysis system CROCO. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 44, 247-254.
Detecting differences in crown transparency assessments between countries using the image analysis system CROCO
Mizoue, N., & Dobbertin, M. (2003). Detecting differences in crown transparency assessments between countries using the image analysis system CROCO. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 89, 179-195.
Geostatistics in evaluating forest damage surveys: considerations on methods for describing spatial distributions
Köhl, M., & Gertner, G. (1997). Geostatistics in evaluating forest damage surveys: considerations on methods for describing spatial distributions. Forest Ecology and Management, 95(2), 131-140.