| The White-backed Woodpecker (<em>Dendrocopos leucotos</em>) as an umbrella species for threatened sraproxylic beetle communities in Central European beech forests
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| Autochthone Gebirgswälder in der Schweiz anhand von baumbewohnenden Flechten erkennen
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| Bird response to woody pastoral management of ancient chestnut orchards: a case study from the southern Alps
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| Forest history and epiphytic lichens: testing indicators for assessing forest autochthony in Switzerland
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| Fattori che determinano la biodiversità di piante e invertebrati nei vigneti nella Svizzera italiana. Quali soglie critiche di gestione?
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| A fungal perspective on conservation biology
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| Indicators for taxonomic and functional aspects of biodiversity in the vineyard agroecosystem of Southern Switzerland
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| Ragni e carabidi dei vigneti del Cantone Ticino (Svizzera)
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| Management pressure drives leafhopper communities in vineyards in Southern Switzerland
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| A continental-scale tool for acoustic identification of European bats
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| Epiphytic bryophyte diversity on Madeira Island: effects of tree species on bryophyte species richness and composition
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| Der Krienser Hochwald (Kanton Luzern): Ein wertvoller Lebensraum für zahlreiche, in der Schweiz gefährdete Flechtenarten
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