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Exploring agricultural landscape change from the second half of the twentieth century onwards: combining aerial imagery with farmer perspectives
Mohr, F., Pazur, R., Debonne, N., Dossche, R., Helfenstein, J., Hepner, S., … Bürgi, M. (2024). Exploring agricultural landscape change from the second half of the twentieth century onwards: combining aerial imagery with farmer perspectives. Landscape Ecology, 39(7), 120 (23 pp.).
How to consider history in landscape ecology: patterns, processes, and pathways
Tappeiner, U., Leitinger, G., Zariņa, A., & Bürgi, M. (2021). How to consider history in landscape ecology: patterns, processes, and pathways. Landscape Ecology, 36, 2317-2328.
Using chorographic sources to reconstruct past agro-forestry systems. A methodological approach based on the study case of the northern Apennines
Pezzi, G., Donati, D., Muzzi, E., Conedera, M., & Krebs, P. (2020). Using chorographic sources to reconstruct past agro-forestry systems. A methodological approach based on the study case of the northern Apennines. Landscape Research, 45(3), 359-376.
Historical land use dataset of the Carpathian region (1819–1980)
Lieskovský, J., Kaim, D., Balázs, P., Boltižiar, M., Chmiel, M., Grabska, E., … Radeloff, V. C. (2018). Historical land use dataset of the Carpathian region (1819–1980). Journal of Maps, 14(2), 644-651.
Processes and driving forces in changing cultural landscapes across Europe
Bürgi, M., Bieling, C., von Hackwitz, K., Kizos, T., Lieskovský, J., García Martín, M., … Printsmann, A. (2017). Processes and driving forces in changing cultural landscapes across Europe. Landscape Ecology, 32(11), 2097-2112.
264 years of change and persistence in an agrarian landscape: a case study from the Swiss lowlands
Bürgi, M., Salzmann, D., & Gimmi, U. (2015). 264 years of change and persistence in an agrarian landscape: a case study from the Swiss lowlands. Landscape Ecology, 30(7), 1321-1333.
Linking ecosystem services with landscape history
Bürgi, M., Silbernagel, J., Wu, J., & Kienast, F. (2015). Linking ecosystem services with landscape history. Landscape Ecology, 30(1), 11-20.
Reconstructing the collapse of wetland networks in the Swiss lowlands 1850-2000
Gimmi, U., Lachat, T., & Bürgi, M. (2011). Reconstructing the collapse of wetland networks in the Swiss lowlands 1850-2000. Landscape Ecology, 26(8), 1071-1083.
The recent landscape history of Limpach valley, Switzerland: considering three empirical hypotheses on driving forces of landscape change
Bürgi, M., Straub, A., Gimmi, U., & Salzmann, D. (2010). The recent landscape history of Limpach valley, Switzerland: considering three empirical hypotheses on driving forces of landscape change. Landscape Ecology, 25(2), 287-297.
Evaluation of landscape change by different social groups. Results of two empirical studies in Switzerland
Hunziker, M., Felber, P., Gehring, K., Buchecker, M., Bauer, N., & Kienast, F. (2008). Evaluation of landscape change by different social groups. Results of two empirical studies in Switzerland. Mountain Research and Development, 28(2), 140-147.
Using the past to understand the present land use and land cover
Bürgi, M., Hersperger, A. M., Hall, M., Russell Southgate, E. W. B., & Schneeberger, N. (2007). Using the past to understand the present land use and land cover. In F. Kienast, O. Wildi, & S. Ghosh (Eds.), Landscape series: Vol. 8. A changing world. Challenges for landscape research (pp. 133-144).
Driving forces of landscape change - current and new directions
Bürgi, M., Hersperger, A. M., & Schneeberger, N. (2005). Driving forces of landscape change - current and new directions. Landscape Ecology, 19(8), 857-868.
The inventory of the giant chestnut trees in southern Switzerland
Krebs, P., Conedera, M., & Fonti, P. (2005). The inventory of the giant chestnut trees in southern Switzerland. In C. G. Abreu, E. Rosa, & A. A. Monteiro (Eds.), Acta Horticulturae: Vol. 693. Proceedings of the third international chestnut congress (p. (9 pp.).
Driving forces of landscape change - current and new directions
Bürgi, M., Hersperger, A. M., & Schneeberger, N. (2004). Driving forces of landscape change - current and new directions. Landscape Ecology, 19(8), 857-868.
A case study of forest change in the Swiss lowlands
Bürgi, M. (1999). A case study of forest change in the Swiss lowlands. Landscape Ecology, 14(6), 567-575.
Analysis of historic landscape patterns with a Geographical Information System - a methodological outline
Kienast, F. (1993). Analysis of historic landscape patterns with a Geographical Information System - a methodological outline. Landscape Ecology, 8(2), 103-118.