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Lithic bacterial communities: ecological aspects focusing on Tintenstrich communities
Pittino, F., Fink, S., Oliveira, J., Janssen, E. M. L., & Scheidegger, C. (2024). Lithic bacterial communities: ecological aspects focusing on Tintenstrich communities. Frontiers in Microbiology, 15, 1430059 (12 pp.).
Divergent responses of functional diversity to an elevational gradient for vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens
Asplund, J., van Zuijlen, K., Roos, R. E., Birkemoe, T., Klanderud, K., Lang, S. I., & Wardle, D. A. (2022). Divergent responses of functional diversity to an elevational gradient for vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens. Journal of Vegetation Science, 33(1), e13105 (9 pp.).
Low genetic differentiation between apotheciate <em>Usnea florida</em> and sorediate <em>Usnea subfloridana</em> (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) based on microsatellite data
Degtjarenko, P., Mark, K., Moisejevs, R., Himelbrant, D., Stepanchikova, I., Tsurykau, A., … Scheidegger, C. (2020). Low genetic differentiation between apotheciate Usnea florida and sorediate Usnea subfloridana (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) based on microsatellite data. Fungal Biology, 124(10), 892-902.
Taxonomic study of <em>Hypotrachyna</em> subg. <em>Everniastrum</em> (Hale Ex Sipman) Divakar, A.Crespo, Sipman, Elix &amp; Lumbsch (Ascomycota) from China
Wang, X. Y., Zhang, Y. Y., Liu, D., Li, L. J., Yang, M. X., Yin, A. C., & Wang, L. S. (2020). Taxonomic study of Hypotrachyna subg. Everniastrum (Hale Ex Sipman) Divakar, A.Crespo, Sipman, Elix & Lumbsch (Ascomycota) from China. Cryptogamie, Mycologie, 41(12), 193-209.
Estimating the timescale of <em>Lobaria</em> diversification
Cornejo, C., & Scheidegger, C. (2018). Estimating the timescale of Lobaria diversification. Lichenologist, 50(1), 113-121.
<em>Ricasolia amplissima (Lobariaceae)</em>: one species, three genotypes and a new taxon from south-eastern Alaska
Cornejo, C., Derr, C., & Dillman, K. (2017). Ricasolia amplissima (Lobariaceae): one species, three genotypes and a new taxon from south-eastern Alaska. Lichenologist, 49(6), 579-596.
Bryoflorula Gaudensis – Ein Beitrag zur Kryptogamenflora der Ägäis
Urmi, E., & Keller, C. (2017). Bryoflorula Gaudensis – Ein Beitrag zur Kryptogamenflora der Ägäis. Herzogia, 30(2), 327-342.
The regional species richness and genetic diversity of Arctic vegetation reflect both past glaciations and current climate
Stewart, L., Alsos, I. G., Bay, C., Breen, A. L., Brochmann, C., Boulanger-Lapointe, N., … Pellissier, L. (2016). The regional species richness and genetic diversity of Arctic vegetation reflect both past glaciations and current climate. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25(4), 430-442.
A fungal perspective on conservation biology
Heilmann-Clausen, J., Barron, E. S., Boddy, L., Dahlberg, A., Griffith, G. W., Nordén, J., … Halme, P. (2015). A fungal perspective on conservation biology. Conservation Biology, 29(1), 61-68.
Bedeutung alter Wälder für Flechten: Schlüsselstrukturen, Vernetzung, ökologische Kontinuität
Scheidegger, C., & Stofer, S. (2015). Bedeutung alter Wälder für Flechten: Schlüsselstrukturen, Vernetzung, ökologische Kontinuität. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, 166(2), 75-82.
<i>Cetraria steppae</i> Savicz is conspecific with <i>Cetraria aculeata</i> (Schreb.) Fr. according to morphology, secondary chemistry and ecology
Nadyeina, O., Lutsak, T., Blum, O., Grakhov, V., & Scheidegger, C. (2013). Cetraria steppae Savicz is conspecific with Cetraria aculeata (Schreb.) Fr. according to morphology, secondary chemistry and ecology. Lichenologist, 45(6), 841-856.
Remnants fragments preserve genetic diversity of the old forest lichen <i>Lobaria pulmonaria</i> in a fragmented Mediterranean mountain forest
Otálora, M., Martínez, I., Belinchón, R., Widmer, I., Aragón, G., Escudero, A., & Scheidegger, C. (2011). Remnants fragments preserve genetic diversity of the old forest lichen Lobaria pulmonaria in a fragmented Mediterranean mountain forest. Biodiversity and Conservation, 20(6), 1239-1254.
A species-specific real-time PCR assay for identification of three lichen-forming fungi, <i>Lobaria pulmonaria</i>, <i>Lobaria immixta</i> and <i>Lobaria macaronesica</i>
Werth, S., Cornejo, C., & Scheidegger, C. (2010). A species-specific real-time PCR assay for identification of three lichen-forming fungi, Lobaria pulmonaria, Lobaria immixta and Lobaria macaronesica. Molecular Ecology Resources, 10(2), 401-403.
Background, main results and conclusions from a test phase for biodiversity assessments on intensive forest monitoring plots in Europe
Fischer, R., Granke, O., Chirici, G., Meyer, P., Seidling, W., Stofer, S., … Travaglini, D. (2009). Background, main results and conclusions from a test phase for biodiversity assessments on intensive forest monitoring plots in Europe. iForest, 2, 67-74.
Evaluating macrolichens and environmental variables as predictors of the diversity of epiphytic microlichens
Stofer, S., Bergamini, A., Bolliger, J., & Scheidegger, C. (2007). Evaluating macrolichens and environmental variables as predictors of the diversity of epiphytic microlichens. Lichenologist, 39(5), 475-489.
Prediction of lichen diversity in an UNESCO biosphere reserve - correlation of high resolution remote sensing data with field samples
Waser, L. T., Kuechler, M., Schwarz, M., Ivtis, E., Stofer, S., & Scheidegger, C. (2007). Prediction of lichen diversity in an UNESCO biosphere reserve - correlation of high resolution remote sensing data with field samples. Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 12(4), 315-328.
Heavy metal accumulation in <em>Artemisia</em> and foliaceous lichen species from the Azerbaijan flora
Alirzayeva, E. G., Shirvani, T. S., Yazici, M. A., Alverdiyeva, S. M., Shukurov, E. S., Ozturk, L., … Cakmak, I. (2006). Heavy metal accumulation in Artemisia and foliaceous lichen species from the Azerbaijan flora. Forest Snow and Landscape Research, 80(3), 339-348.
Effects of sample survey design on the accuracy of classification tree models in species distribution models
Edwards, T. C. J., Cutler, D. R., Zimmermann, N. E., Geiser, L., & Moisen, G. G. (2006). Effects of sample survey design on the accuracy of classification tree models in species distribution models. Ecological Modelling, 199(2), 132-141.
Prediction of biodiversity - regression of lichen species richness on remote sensing data
Waser, L. T., Stofer, S., Schwarz, M., Kuechler, M., Ivits, E., & Scheidegger, C. (2004). Prediction of biodiversity - regression of lichen species richness on remote sensing data. Community Ecology, 5(1), 121-133.
Lista Rossa delle specie minacciate in Svizzera. Licheni epifiti e terricoli
Scheidegger, C., Clerc, P., Dietrich, M., Frei, M., Groner, U., Keller, C., … Vust, M. (2002). Lista Rossa delle specie minacciate in Svizzera. Licheni epifiti e terricoli. Ambiente - Esecuzione. Berna; Birmensdorf: Ufficio federale dell’ambiente, delle foreste e del paesaggio UFAFP; Istituto federale di ricerca WSL.