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Extinction risk of European bryophytes predicted by bioclimate and traits
van Zuijlen, K., Bisang, I., Nobis, M. P., & Bergamini, A. (2024). Extinction risk of European bryophytes predicted by bioclimate and traits. Biological Conservation, 293, 110584 (11 pp.).
Frost damage measured by electrolyte leakage in subarctic bryophytes increases with climate warming
van Zuijlen, K., Kassel, M., Dorrepaal, E., & Lett, S. (2024). Frost damage measured by electrolyte leakage in subarctic bryophytes increases with climate warming. Journal of Ecology, 112(2), 220-232.
Bryophytes of Europe Traits (BET) dataset: a fundamental tool for ecological studies
van Zuijlen, K., Nobis, M. P., Hedenäs, L., Hodgetts, N., Alarcón, J. A. C., Albertos, B., … Bergamini, A. (2023). Bryophytes of Europe Traits (BET) dataset: a fundamental tool for ecological studies. Journal of Vegetation Science, 34(2), e13179 (7 pp.).
Can bryophyte groups increase functional resolution in tundra ecosystems?
Lett, S., Jónsdóttir, I. S., Becker-Scarpitta, A., Christiansen, C. T., During, H., Ekelund, F., … van Zuijlen, K. (2022). Can bryophyte groups increase functional resolution in tundra ecosystems? Arctic Science, 8, 609-637.
Factors determining bryophyte species richness and community composition on insular siliceous erratic boulders in calcareous landscapes
Hepenstrick, D., Bergamini, A., Webster, C., Ginzler, C., & Holderegger, R. (2021). Factors determining bryophyte species richness and community composition on insular siliceous erratic boulders in calcareous landscapes. Journal of Vegetation Science, 32(6), e13094 (15 pp.).
Discrepancies in growth Measurement methods of mosses: an example from two keystone species grown under increased CO<SUB>2</SUB> and N supply in a restored peatland
Siegenthaler, A., Buttler, A., Grosvernier, P., Gobat, J. M., & Mitchell, E. (2014). Discrepancies in growth Measurement methods of mosses: an example from two keystone species grown under increased CO2 and N supply in a restored peatland. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 5(15), 2354-2371.
Epiphytic bryophyte diversity on Madeira Island: effects of tree species on bryophyte species richness and composition
Sim-Sim, M., Bergamini, A., Luís, L., Fontinha, S., Martins, S., Lobo, C., & Stech, M. (2011). Epiphytic bryophyte diversity on Madeira Island: effects of tree species on bryophyte species richness and composition. Bryologist, 114(1), 142-154.
Spontaneous re-establishment of natural structure and related biodiversity in a previously managed beech forest in Belgium after 20 years of non intervention
Vandekerkhove, K., De Keersmaeker, L., Baeté, H., & Walleyn, R. (2005). Spontaneous re-establishment of natural structure and related biodiversity in a previously managed beech forest in Belgium after 20 years of non intervention. Forest Snow and Landscape Research, 79(1-2), 145-156.