| Schutzwirkung und Resilienz von Gebirgswäldern nach natürlichen Störungen
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| Calculating impact pressures in numerical avalanche and rockfall models
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| Towards an automated acquisition and parametrization of debris‐flow prone torrent channel properties based on photogrammetric‐derived uncrewed aerial vehicle data
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| Rapid Mapping - eine Dienstleistung des Bundes für die Ereignisbewältigung und -dokumentation von Naturereignissen
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| Characterization of large tsunamigenic landslides and their effects using digital surface models: a case study from Taan Fiord, Alaska
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| Geomorphic and sedimentary signatures of catastrophic glacier detachments: a first assessment from Flat Creek, Alaska
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| Periglacial landscapes and protection measures above Pontresina
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| WoodFlow project - large wood management in rivers
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| Rethinking the interplay between affluence and vulnerability to aid climate change adaptive capacity
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| mGEODAR - a mobile radar system for detection and monitoring of gravitational mass-movements
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| Dynamic magnification factors for snow avalanche impact (with pile-up) on walls and pylons
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| Large-scale field tests on impulse waves
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| TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X data for natural hazards research in mountainous regions of Uzbekistan
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| Mechanics of chain-link wire nets with loose connections
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| Advanced debris-flow monitoring and alarm system at Spreitgraben
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| Simulation of rockfall trajectories with consideration of rock shape
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| La population suisse et sa forêt. <em>Rapport relatif à la deuxième enquête menée dans le cadre du monitoring socioculturel des forêts (WaMos 2)</em>
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| Debris-flow alarm system for the torrents Crenn and Dö in the Blenio Valley
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| Die Schweizer Bevölkerung und ihr Wald. <em>Bericht zur zweiten Bevölkerungsumfrage Waldmonitoring soziokulturell (WaMos 2)</em>
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| Landslides and new lakes in deglaciating areas: a risk management framework
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