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Permafrost degradation alters the environmental signals recorded in tree-ring lignin methoxy group δ<sup>2</sup>H in Northeastern China
Wang, Y., Liu, X., Treydte, K., Zhang, Z., Kang, H., Zeng, X., … Kang, S. (2023). Permafrost degradation alters the environmental signals recorded in tree-ring lignin methoxy group δ2H in Northeastern China. Science of the Total Environment, 860, 160519 (10 pp.).
Changes in ground temperature and dynamics in mountain permafrost in the Swiss Alps
Haberkorn, A., Kenner, R., Noetzli, J., & Phillips, M. (2021). Changes in ground temperature and dynamics in mountain permafrost in the Swiss Alps. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 626686 (21 pp.).
Current changes in mountain permafrost based on observations in the Swiss Alps
Phillips, M., Haberkorn, A., Kenner, R., & Nötzli, J. (2020). Current changes in mountain permafrost based on observations in the Swiss Alps. Swiss Bulletin für angewandte Geologie, 25(1-2), 53-63.
Geomorphological analysis on the interaction of Alpine glaciers and rock glaciers since the Little Ice Age
Kenner, R. (2019). Geomorphological analysis on the interaction of Alpine glaciers and rock glaciers since the Little Ice Age. Land Degradation and Development, 30(5), 580-591.
Mountain permafrost hydrology. Eine Studie im Rahmen des NCCS Themenschwerpunktes &quot;Hydrologische Grundlagen zum Klimawandel&quot; des National Centre for Climate Services
Noetzli, J., & Phillips, M. (2019). Mountain permafrost hydrology. Eine Studie im Rahmen des NCCS Themenschwerpunktes "Hydrologische Grundlagen zum Klimawandel" des National Centre for Climate Services. SLF.
Rapid degradation of ground ice in a ventilated talus slope: Flüela Pass, Swiss Alps
Phillips, M., Zenklusen Mutter, E., Kern-Luetschg, M., & Lehning, M. (2009). Rapid degradation of ground ice in a ventilated talus slope: Flüela Pass, Swiss Alps. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 20(1), 1-14.