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Landscape ecological concepts in planning: review of recent developments
Hersperger, A. M., Grădinaru, S. R., Pierri Daunt, A. B., Imhof, C. S., & Fan, P. (2021). Landscape ecological concepts in planning: review of recent developments. Landscape Ecology, 36, 2329-2345.
Mapping meaningful places: a tool for participatory siting of wind turbines in Switzerland?
Müller, S., Backhaus, N., & Buchecker, M. (2020). Mapping meaningful places: a tool for participatory siting of wind turbines in Switzerland? Energy Research and Social Science, 69, 101573 (11 pp.).
Locals' and tourists' sense of place. A case study of a Swiss Alpine village
Kianicka, S., Buchecker, M., Hunziker, M., & Müller-Pöker, U. (2006). Locals' and tourists' sense of place. A case study of a Swiss Alpine village. Mountain Research and Development, 26(1), 55-63.[0055:Latsop]2.0.Co;2