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Landscape, site and post-disturbance forest stand characteristics modulate the colonisation of non-native invasive woody species
Aranda, M. J., Conedera, M., Pezzatti, G. B., & Gehring, E. (2024). Landscape, site and post-disturbance forest stand characteristics modulate the colonisation of non-native invasive woody species. Forest Ecology and Management, 565, 122017 (10 pp.).
Words apart: Standardizing forestry terms and definitions across European biodiversity studies
Trentanovi, G., Campagnaro, T., Sitzia, T., Chianucci, F., Vacchiano, G., Ammer, C., … Burrascano, S. (2023). Words apart: Standardizing forestry terms and definitions across European biodiversity studies. Forest Ecosystems, 10, 100128 (13 pp.).
Enhancing resilience of boreal forests through management under global change: a review
Triviño, M., Potterf, M., Tijerín, J., Ruiz-Benito, P., Burgas, D., Eyvindson, K., … Duflot, R. (2023). Enhancing resilience of boreal forests through management under global change: a review. Current Landscape Ecology Reports, 8(3), 103-118.
Future supply of boreal forest ecosystem services is driven by management rather than by climate change
Triviño, M., Morán-Ordoñez, A., Eyvindson, K., Blattert, C., Burgas, D., Repo, A., … Mönkkönen, M. (2023). Future supply of boreal forest ecosystem services is driven by management rather than by climate change. Global Change Biology, 29(6), 1484-1500.
Optimizing quality wood production in chestnut (<em>Castanea sativa Mill.</em>) coppices
Manetti, M. C., Conedera, M., Pelleri, F., Montini, P., Maltoni, A., Mariotti, B., … Marcolin, E. (2022). Optimizing quality wood production in chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) coppices. Forest Ecology and Management, 523, 120490 (9 pp.).
Effect magnitudes of operational-scale partial harvesting on residual tree growth and mortality of ten major tree species in Maine USA
Bose, A. K., Wagner, R. G., Weiskittel, A. R., & D'Amato, A. W. (2021). Effect magnitudes of operational-scale partial harvesting on residual tree growth and mortality of ten major tree species in Maine USA. Forest Ecology and Management, 484, 118953 (14 pp.).
Testing an expanded set of sustainable forest management indicators in Mediterranean coppice area
Cutini, A., Ferretti, M., Bertini, G., Brunialti, G., Bagella, S., Chianucci, F., … Gottardini, E. (2021). Testing an expanded set of sustainable forest management indicators in Mediterranean coppice area. Ecological Indicators, 130, 108040 (15 pp.).
Pan-European sustainable forest management indicators for assessing climate-smart forestry in Europe
Santopuoli, G., Temperli, C., Alberdi, I., Barbeito, I., Bosela, M., Bottero, A., … Tognetti, R. (2021). Pan-European sustainable forest management indicators for assessing climate-smart forestry in Europe. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 51(12), 1741-1750.
Waldbauliche und waldökologische Potenziale der Weisstanne in der Schweiz. Silvicultural and ecological prospects of silver fir in Switzerland
Frank, A., Brang, P., Heiri, C., & Sperisen, C. (2018). Waldbauliche und waldökologische Potenziale der Weisstanne in der Schweiz. Silvicultural and ecological prospects of silver fir in Switzerland. Standort.Wald: Wald, Ökologie, Natur, Kultur, 50, 65-69.
A comparison between plot-count and nearest-tree method in assessing tree regeneration features
Huber, M. O., Schwyzer, A., & Kupferschmid, A. D. (2018). A comparison between plot-count and nearest-tree method in assessing tree regeneration features. Current Trends in Forest Research, 2018(4), CTFR-122 (11 pp.).
Seeing is building better understanding - the Integrate+ Marteloscopes
Kraus, D., Schuck, A., Krumm, F., Bütler, R., Cosyns, H., Courbaud, B., … Zudin, S. (2018). Seeing is building better understanding - the Integrate+ Marteloscopes. Integrate+ Technical Paper: Vol. 26: 3.
Harvesting influences functional identity and diversity over time in forests of the northeastern U.S.A
Curzon, M. T., D'Amato, A. W., Fraver, S., Palik, B. J., Bottero, A., Foster, J. R., & Gleason, K. E. (2017). Harvesting influences functional identity and diversity over time in forests of the northeastern U.S.A. Forest Ecology and Management, 400, 93-99.
Predicting the spatial and temporal dynamics of species interactions in <i>Fagus sylvatica</i> and <i>Pinus sylvestris</i> forests across Europe
Forrester, D. I., Ammer, C., Annighöfer, P. J., Avdagic, A., Barbeito, I., Bielak, K., … Bravo-Oviedo, A. (2017). Predicting the spatial and temporal dynamics of species interactions in Fagus sylvatica and Pinus sylvestris forests across Europe. Forest Ecology and Management, 405, 112-133.
Thinning effects on walnut stem and crown diameter growth and fruiting in the walnut-fruit forests of Kyrgyzstan
Sorg, J. P., Urech, Z. L., Mamadzhanov, D., & Rehnus, M. (2016). Thinning effects on walnut stem and crown diameter growth and fruiting in the walnut-fruit forests of Kyrgyzstan. Journal of Mountain Science, 13(9), 1558-1566.
Das neue NaiS-Anforderungsprofil Steinschlag
Dorren, L., Berger, F., Frehner, M., Huber, M., Kühne, K., Métral, R., … Wasser, B. (2015). Das neue NaiS-Anforderungsprofil Steinschlag. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, 166(1), 16-23.
Langzeit-Feuerökologie der Schweiz
Conedera, M., & Tinner, W. (2010). Langzeit-Feuerökologie der Schweiz. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, 161(11), 424-432.
Habitatbäume im Wirtschaftswald: ökologisches Potenzial und finanzielle Folgen für den Betrieb
Niedermann-Meier, S., Mordini, M., Bütler, R., & Rotach, P. (2010). Habitatbäume im Wirtschaftswald: ökologisches Potenzial und finanzielle Folgen für den Betrieb. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, 161(10), 391-400.
Was lehrt uns die Ertragskunde hinsichtlich nachhaltiger Ressourcennutzung im Wald?
Zingg, A. (2009). Was lehrt uns die Ertragskunde hinsichtlich nachhaltiger Ressourcennutzung im Wald? In N. Kräuchi & J. Kirchner (Eds.), Forum für Wissen: Vol. 2009. Langzeitforschung für eine nachhaltige Waldnutzung (pp. 67-76). Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft.
Klimawandel als waldbauliche Herausforderung
Brang, P., Bugmann, H., Bürgi, A., Mühlethaler, U., Rigling, A., & Schwitter, R. (2008). Klimawandel als waldbauliche Herausforderung. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, 159(10), 362-373.
Long-term outcome of precommercial thinning on floristic diversity in north western New Brunswick, Canada
Cole, H. A., Newmaster, S. G., Lanteigne, L., & Pitt, D. (2008). Long-term outcome of precommercial thinning on floristic diversity in north western New Brunswick, Canada. iForest, 5(1), 145-156.